
The Functional MRI Laboratory provides opportunities for our research community to network and learn at our yearly Symposium, Speaker Series, and Summer Course. Please use the website links to learn more about each of these events.

The University of Utah, with major funding from the National Institute on Neurological Disorders and Stroke (R25NS117281), is happy to announce this two-week course. The focus of this course is to learn advanced statistical methods applied to neuroimaging and genetics, within the context of biomarker discovery. This is not an introductory course, and will teach advanced topics of Bayesian methods in neuroimaging, network science in neuroimaging, statistical genetics, and multi-modal predictive modeling. Course attendees are expected to already have experience with aspects of neuroimaging analysis and/or genetics. An innovation to our course is the additional 6-month follow-up, where attendees of the course have the opportunity to meet as a group with each lecturer for a 75-minute webinar-based workshop each month. This will allow course attendees to interact with the course faculty well after the two-week period. Additionally, the course attendees will have access to a slack help-line for questions surrounding implementation of methods.